Prince Harry ‘infuriated’ after King Charles ‘wouldn’t pay for Meghan’

Prince Harry was reportedly left “infuriated” after his father, King Charles, said he could not afford to pay for Meghan Markle.

The revelation comes out in new book detailing reported tensions between Harry and his father after the Duke of Sussex revealed his thoughts on his future plans with Meghan Markle.

In Our King: Charles III – The Man and the Monarch Revealed by Robert Jobson, the Duke revealed he was ready to propose to the former Suits actress to his brother Prince William and his father.

However, Harry did not get the positive response he hoped for.

Prince Harry and King Charles

As reported in the Mirror, William asked him if he was “sure” he wanted to marry her, before his father then claimed he could not afford to pay for Meghan in the future.

The future monarch reportedly explained that he could not pay for her, Camilla, William, Kate and their young family.

The conversation allegedly left Harry “infuriated”, with tensions growing until his and Meghan’s wedding day on May 19, 2018.
In recent years, tensions have been notable between Harry and his family since Meghan and Harry decided to step down as working royals in 2020.

The details emerge as Prince Harry this week lost a High Court battle against the Home Office over the level of his security protection when he is in the UK. The Prince had tried to overturn a ruling to downgrade his security status after he stopped being a “working royal”. He plans to appeal the decision.

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